For a comfortable vacation


We put at your disposal :

Arrivée - Departure
Pick up at Marrakech airport
Rental of the whole house
6 and 8 persons
3 to 4 rooms
A team on site
To simplify your stay
Breakfast on site
On order
Meals cooked on site
On order
To relax on the terrace
Free Wifi in the whole house
High chair and baby bed
Available on request
A guest book is at your disposal
Because your opinion counts
A 20-25 minutes by foot
From Majorelle garden, the jemaa el fna square

OUR SERVICES, in détails

More informations about what we can propose you

Arrivals - Transfers - Departures

We take special care to welcome you as soon as you arrive at the airport. Mostapha is our steward in charge of the reception and maintenance of the house. He will be your contact on site. You will be expected with a sign in your name. Your airport-home transfer is provided by an independent service provider (private vehicle with driver) under the direction of Mostapha. One-way transfer (airport-home) is included in the rental price. In the case of additional transfers, multiple arrivals or departures, the other transfers are the responsibility of the customer.
On the day of departure, the rooms must be vacated no later than after breakfast. The general rule that applies in terms of rental is noon-noon. However, we have constraints related to the schedules of the planes which are imposed on us. We have a room to store the luggage of one or the other, the time to prepare the rooms and to ensure the smooth transition and offer the following people the same welcome that you received when you arrived.

The staff on site

The houses are always rented with the presence of the staff during the day. The housekeeper takes care of the breakfasts and the preparation of the dinners. She can be helped with the cleaning. can also be reached easily to make your stay easier. He speaks several languages.

Meals cooked on site

We advise you to taste the dishes cooked on site at least once. This is why people arriving before 10 p.m. on the first day are offered a chicken or vegetarian tagine. It takes 80 dh per day and per person for a full meal. The menus are made in consultation with the customer and are ordered the day before for the next day. Possibility of having breakfast only: 50dh per day and per person. The products are purchased day by day and come from the market. If or evening , you wish to dine outside, you must notify the housekeeper.

Wifi and television

Indispensable for everyone, now. An 8 meg wifi connection in each of our homes.

Rental of the complete accommodation

Our houses are always rented exclusively for the people declared on the contract. You agree to occupy the house only by the people listed on the contract and on our register of entries, in exchange we undertake to guarantee you the exclusivity of the house.

Breakfast on site

The housekeeper comes in the morning to prepare and serve breakfast from 8 am to 8.30 am. You should inform her of your tastes or preferences at least the day before. The fixed price is 50 dirhams per day and per person.


The houses are equipped with a 3 to 4-seater spa. (Height 70cm, inner diameter 140cm, temperature is adjustable maximum 32°C). The spa is available to customers at no extra charge. This equipment is located on the terrace, in the open air, protected by a pergola. It is advisable to cover and close it to secure access to children. However, it is subject to use under normal conditions prescribed by the manufacturer. Children have access to it under the responsibility of the parents. On the other hand, you should know that in Morocco the terraces are the privileged place of women and nudity is very frowned upon by Islam. It is recommended not to show off too much from the terrace. It is our steward who is in charge of the operation and maintenance of this equipment, he will be able to tell you the procedure to follow.

High chair and cot

You can find for free in each of our houses: A cot - A high chair - 1 changing mat - 1 learning bib - 1 toilet reducer.

Location and transport

Our houses are located in the same area (pedestrian) north of the medina of Marrakech. You will find nearby a taxi rank, a bus stop, car parks (for those who come by car or who rent a vehicle).

Do you have any other questions?

Don't hesitate to contact us

FAQ - Before departure

Other questions ? Contact us

Is the passeport mandatory ?

Yes, also remember to make sure that the validity date of your passport exceeds the date of your return by 6 months.

I want to drive in Morocco, is my driving license valid?

You need an international driving permit. The European license is not valid in Morocco. Please note that roadside checks are frequent.

How many kilos of luggage am I entitled to?

Depending on the airlines, the weight or number of bags may vary. However, be careful not to have too much hand luggage on the plane. Extra pounds at the last minute can be very expensive. It is better to anticipate, I am thinking in particular of baby accessories or golf equipment.

Can we change money before leaving our country of origin?

No. It is a peculiarity of Morocco, the dirhams must remain in the country. The first place where you can change is at Marrakech airport, or in the boat. Then you will find many exchange offices open every day in town. Distributors issue dirhams, but are limited to the limit of your bank card. Pay attention to the return costs. In this case, the best is to bring euros in cash and change them as you go. On your return, you can change your dirhams on the spot in Marrakech, but it is better to have spent all your dirhams because it is forbidden to take them out of the country and also because no bank will change them for you once at home. This is valid in both directions.

I want to book excursions before my departure, do you have any advice?

The first advice we can give is to wait to be there before booking an excursion. In Morocco, it is better to live from day to day. In advance you do not know the weather, nor the state of fatigue or health of your family or friends. In addition, we can put you in touch with companies that really exist and are serious.

FAQ - During your stay

What is it important to know

Can we drink tap water?

At home, you can use tap water for washing and rinsing teeth. Water for cooking or tea is boiled. We recommend bottled water for meals or between meals. Moroccans drink tap water, no problem. Outside, we advise you to avoid popsicles. For orange juice, it is not the orange that hurts but the water with which the glass is rinsed. Be careful on the Jemaa el Fna square.

Where to find alcohol in Marrakech?

The first place where you can buy tax-free products is at the departure airport for major airports, or on the plane. (Attention limited quantity). Then, on arrival, there is a shop at Marrakech airport after customs, but before baggage checks. In town outside the Ramadan period, there are supermarkets and a small grocery store in Guéliz. During the month of Ramadan, there is no alcohol in Marrakech. We do not sell alcohol in our guest houses, our staff do not drink any alcohol, but we do not prohibit you from drinking it.

Are sheets and towels provided?


Is there a washing machine on site for our laundry?

Yes, we have a washing machine in each house. For your daily laundry, you just need to buy mini doses at the local grocer.

Can we bring passing guests to the guest house ?

Only people declared on the register on arrival are authorized to enter the house. Even a guide, a driver, a neighbor must stay outside. As for the girls you can meet in a nightclub, others have tried before you. This is the best way to have your wallet, passport and/or smartphone stolen. We ensure this, our rules of procedure are very clear on this subject.

What are tourist taxes for and when do I have to pay them?

These taxes are paid partly to the municipality and partly to the ONMT (Moroccan National Tourist Office). They contribute to the improvement of the reception and the tourist promotion. It takes 23 dh per night and per person over 12 years old, they are payable on site, only in dirhams, depending on the number of nights spent and the number of people actually present. Requested the day of your arrival.

We have a toddler, what do you offer us?

We have equipment available to you free of charge, high chair, cot, changing mat, learning bib, toilet reducer.

Is there a hair dryer on site?


One dirham is how many euros?

It takes about 1 euro for 10 or 11 dirhams. 1 dirham for around 0.90€. The price can change every day. By counting 1€ for 10 or 11 dirhams, we are not mistaken.

I do not want the presence of staff at home during the stay, is this possible?

The regulations of a guest house, unlike a furnished rental, require the presence of a person to prepare meals, take care of the housekeeping and facilitate the stay. These people are employed year round. We never rent the house without the presence of the staff.

FAQ - At the end of your stay

Other questions ? Contact us.

Should we leave a tip?

The concept of tip or service included may differ from country to country. In Morocco, tipping is always welcome. The notion of service is very important for Moroccans, it is in their culture to receive tourists well. As its name does not indicate, a tip can help an entire family, dress children, pay school fees, get medical care….

Our departure is only at 6 p.m. and we have to vacate the rooms before 11 a.m., what should we do?

You will understand that the house must be impeccable for the arrival of the next guests. We can keep your luggage in a safe place while the staff cleans the rooms.

Important documents from Dar Essattatia

Download your rental contract, and the rules of procedure



Our guest houses are waiting for you




0033 (0)6 75 20 87 44

Adresse postale

5, rue Justice
64400 Oloron Sainte Marie


Important documents from Dar Al Mandar

Download your rental contract, and the rules of procedure